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人才招聘 | 西南交通大学诚聘海内外英才









Rank: 1

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西南交通大学创建于1896年,前身为山海关北洋铁路官学堂(Imperial Chinese Railway College),是中国第一所工程高等学府,中国土木工程、交通工程、矿冶工程高等教育的发祥地,“交通大学” 最早两大源头之一,以 “唐山交大” “唐院” 之名享誉中外。学校是教育部直属全国重点大学,国家首批 “双一流” “211工程” “特色985工程” “2011计划” 重点建设并设有研究生院的研究型大学。当前学校正大力实施人才强校主战略、国际化战略和数字化战略,为适应建设交通特色鲜明的综合性研究型一流大学的需要,部分管理岗位现面向海内外进行公开招聘。公告如下:
1. 人文学院院长1名2. 人文学院副院长1名3. 外国语学院副院长1名
1. 在相关领域具有重要的学术影响和较高的知名度。具有博士学位、正高级专业技术职称(或国外著名高校进入终身系列的副教授);2. 具有宽广的学术视野和引领单位发展的思路;3. 有较丰富的管理经验和较好的组织协调能力;4. 具有良好的个人品质、职业道德、创新意识和团队精神;5. 具有正常履行职责的身体条件;6. 年龄一般不超过50周岁,特别优秀者可适当放宽;7. 同等情况下具有相关学术组织工作经历、海外工作经历者优先考虑;8. 校内应聘人员须符合《西南交通大学中层领导干部选拔任用工作规定》中担任中层正职职务的基本条件及任职资格,现职正处级干部不受第1条限制。
1. 在相关学科领域具有重要的学术影响和较高的知名度。具有博士学位、正高级专业技术职称(或国外著名高校进入终身系列的副教授);2. 具有宽广的学术视野;3. 有较丰富的管理经验和较好的组织协调能力;4. 具有良好的个人品质、职业道德、创新意识和团队精神;5. 具有正常履行职责的身体条件;6. 年龄一般不超过45周岁,特别优秀者可适当放宽;7. 同等情况下具有相关学术组织工作经历、海外工作经历者优先考虑;8. 校内应聘人员须符合《西南交通大学中层领导干部选拔任用工作规定》中担任中层副职职务的基本条件及任职资格,现职副处级干部不受第1条限制。
1. 在相关学科领域具有重要的学术影响和较高的知名度。具有博士学位、正高级专业技术职称(或国外著名高校进入终身系列的副教授);2. 具有宽广的学术视野;3. 有较丰富的管理经验和较好的组织协调能力;4. 具有良好的个人品质、职业道德、创新意识和团队精神;5. 具有正常履行职责的身体条件;6. 年龄一般不超过45周岁,特别优秀者可适当放宽;7. 同等情况下具有相关学术组织工作经历、海外工作经历者优先考虑;8. 校内应聘人员须符合《西南交通大学中层领导干部选拔任用工作规定》中担任中层副职职务的基本条件及任职资格,现职副处级干部不受第1条限制。
四、待遇1. 提供与受聘者学术业绩、岗位职责相对应的待遇。2. 高层次人才按照西南交通大学高层次人才引进条件提供相应待遇。
五、聘任程序1. 个人通过电子邮件报名。应聘者应提供以下材料:(1)报名表(见附件)。(2)身份证(护照)、学历和学位证书、专业技术职务证书、获奖成果证书、任职文件等复印件(面试时提供原件)。(3)担任过的管理职务、主要学术兼职和社会兼职等情况的证明材料。(4)对应聘岗位的工作设想及目标。2. 资格审核,确定面试人选。3. 进行公开答辩和考察(时间、地点另行通知)。4. 学校研究确定人选并公示。
六、报名与联系1. 报名时间:即日起至2021年2月26日2. 联系方式:中国四川省成都市高新区西部园区西南交通大学党委组织部邮政编码:611756联系人:燕莆龙联系电话:+86-28-66366053,+86-15328186257(报名者发送报名表后务必进行电话确认)电子邮箱:gongxuan@swjtu.edu.cn学校网址:http://www.swjtu.edu.cn
Recruitment for Deans
in Southwest Jiaotong University
(No.1, 2021)

Founded in 1896, Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU), also known as the Imperial Chinese Railway College, Tangshan Jiaotong University and Tangshan Railway Institute, is one among the earliest Chinese institutions of higher education. The University is China’s prestigious university and listed in the state-level group of the “Double First Class” Universities, the “211 Project universities” and the “985 Project Innovation Platform on Rail Transit & Transportation” under the State Government.
The university is making efforts to implement the main strategy of developing the university by talents, the internationalization strategy and the digital strategy. To fulfill the demands for developing a top-class multi-disciplinary and research-oriented university with dominant characteristics in traffic and transportation, SWJTU now is inviting applications from domestic and overseas talents to fill the dean vacancies of the following positions.
I.Available PositionsDean of School of Humanities(1)Deputy Dean of School of Humanities(1)Deputy Dean of School of Foreign Languages(1)
II.Qualifications1. Dean of School of Humanities(1) Applicants should have important academic influence and high visibility in related discipline fields. Have a doctorate, a senior professional technical title (or a tenured associate professor of a famous foreign university);(2) Having a broad academic vision and can lead the development of the School;(3) Having rich managerial experience and good organization and coordination ability;(4) Good personal qualities, professional ethics, innovation awareness and team spirit;(5) Good health conditions for performance of duties;(6) Candidates under the age of 50 are preferred, and those who are especially excellent may be relaxed;(7) Those with work experience in relevant academic organizations and overseas work experience are preferred;(8) Applicants working at SWJTU must meet the basic conditions and qualifications of the middle-level positions in the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Middle-level Leading Cadres of Southwest Jiaotong University". The current cadres of the middle-level positions are not subject to the Article 1.
2. Deputy Dean of School of Humanities(1) Applicants should have important academic influence and high visibility in related discipline fields. Have a doctorate, a senior professional technical title (or a tenured associate professor of a famous foreign university);(2) Having a broad academic vision;(3) Having rich managerial experience and good organization and coordination ability;(4) Good personal qualities, professional ethics, innovation awareness and team spirit;(5) Good health conditions for performance of duties;(6) Candidates under the age of 45 are preferred, and those who are especially excellent may be relaxed;Candidates under the age of 35 are preferred.(7) Those with work experience in relevant academic organizations and overseas work experience are preferred;(8) Applicants working at SWJTU must meet the basic conditions and qualifications of the middle-level deputy positions in the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Middle-level Leading Cadres of Southwest Jiaotong University". The current cadres of the deputy middle-level positions are not subject to the Article 1.
3. Deputy Dean of School of Foreign Languages(1) Applicants should have important academic influence and high visibility in related discipline fields. Have a doctorate, a senior professional technical title (or a tenured associate professor of a famous foreign university);(2) Having a broad academic vision;(3) Having rich managerial experience and good organization and coordination ability;(4) Good personal qualities, professional ethics, innovation awareness and team spirit;(5) Good health conditions for performance of duties;(6) Candidates under the age of 45 are preferred, and those who are especially excellent may be relaxed;(7) Those with work experience in relevant academic organizations and overseas work experience are preferred;(8) Applicants working at SWJTU must meet the basic conditions and qualifications of the middle-level deputy positions in the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Middle-level Leading Cadres of Southwest Jiaotong University". The current cadres of the deputy middle-level positions are not subject to the Article 1.
III.Term of EmploymentThe first employment term is 4 years. The renewal of position will be determined by the work performances.
IV.Benefits1. Benefits will be provided in consistency with academic achievements and position responsibilities.2. Benefits for high-level talents will be provided in accordance with the conditions for the recruitment of high-level talents of SWJTU.
V.Recruitment Procedures1. Applications should be sent to us by email with the following materials:(1)  Application Form (Please see attachement).(2)  Copy of ID or passport; Copies of certificates for the diploma /academic degrees, academic and professional titles, and awards; confirmation letter of employment records. (Original version of such materials should be provided during the interview).(3) Supporting materials of administrative positions and major professional services.(4) Work plans and goals for the position applied.2. Qualification check and selection of applicants for interview.3. Open interview (time and venue to be confirmed).4. Selection of final applicants for positions, and public notice of the appointment.
VI. Application Deadline and Contact Information1. Closing Date: February 26, 20212. Contact InformationAddress:Organisation Department of the CPC Committee,Southwest Jiaotong UniversityWest Section, High-tech Zone,Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, 611756ChinaContact person: Pulong YANTel: +86-28-66366053,+86-15328186257 (please DO contact the university after sending applications)E-mail: gongxuan@swjtu.edu.cnUniversity website: http://www.swjtu.edu.cn相关信息回顾
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