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School of Economics and Management
Southwest Jiaotong University
THE SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY (SWJTU) is a national key public higher educational institution under the MOE of P.R. China. SWJTU was founded in 1896 in Tangshan of Northern China, SWJTU is a member of the prestigious “Project 211” and “985 Innovation Platform”, SWJTU is also striving to build “First-Class University”. The University has 24 schools altogether offering 11 post-doctoral programs, 19 first-level doctoral degree programs, 39 first-level master degree programs, as well as undergraduate programs covering 79 key majors.
THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT (SEM) was founded in 1984. As the leading school in the field of humanities & social science in Southwest Jiaotong University, SEM provides two doctoral programs, nine master programs and seven undergraduate programs. With 109 research/teaching staffs and 60 administrative staffs, it serves approximately 3770students in total, including 1612 undergraduate students, 235 research master students, 241professional master students, 1449 MBA students and 233PhD candidates. The AMBA accreditation has been approved for the MBA/EMBA programs. Please visit https://glxy.swjtu.edu.cn/ for more details.
Postdoctoral Fellow/Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Research fields
Business management, Strategy Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Marketing, Accounting, Corporate Finance, Project Management, Operation Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Information management and information system, E-commerce, Industrial Engineering, Information Resource Management and related research fields.
Applicants should possess a Ph.D. degree in above Research Fields from prestigious universities. Applicants with strong potential for researching and teaching are preferred.
The school provides competitive compensation package and excellent research support for its faculty members.
Application process
Interested candidates are invited to send an application package, including a cover letter, an up-to-date C.V., and related publications/a job market paper to Mrs.Chen: semhr@swjtu.edu.cn. Applicants would also call +86-28-8760-0822 to contact Ms. Chen if it is needed.
西南交通大学创建于1896年,前身为山海关北洋铁路官学堂(Imperial Chinese Railway College),是中国第一所工程高等学府,中国土木工程、交通工程、矿冶工程高等教育的发祥地,“交通大学”最早两大源头之一,以“唐山交大”“唐院”之名享誉中外。学校是教育部直属全国重点大学,国家首批“双一流”“211工程”“特色985工程”“2011计划”重点建设并设有研究生院的研究型大学。
西南交通大学经济管理学院始建于1984年,先后孕育了一大批优秀的学者、学科带头人从事教学和科学研究工作,学院现拥有“管理科学与工程”与“工商管理”2个一级学科博士学位授权点和博士后流动站,4个一级学科硕士学位授权点,3个专业硕士学位授权点,5个工程硕士专业学位授权点,学院开设7个重点本科专业。在教育部第四轮学科教育评估中,我校“管理科学与工程”与“工商管理”两个学科被评为B+。当前学校正大力实施人才强校主战略、国际化战略和数字化战略,为适应建设交通特色鲜明的综合性研究型一流大学的需要,经济管理学院现向国内外公开招聘各类人才。欢迎登陆学院网站https://glxy.swjtu.edu.cn/ 获取更多信息。
1. 招聘岗位
2. 研究领域
3. 招聘条件
4. 工作待遇
5. 申请程序
a) 中英文个人简历;
b) 自荐信;
c) 两篇代表性论文;
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