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发表于 2023-12-29 17:21:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

?更多内容请百度搜索:可小果It's me, Peter Parker. Your friendly neighborhood... ...you know.我是彼得?帕克 你所熟知的友善邻居I've come a long way from being the boy who was bit by a spider.自从被蜘蛛咬了之后 我经历了太多的事情Back then, nothing seemed to go right for me. Now...对我来说一切好像都不太正常了 但现在...Wow, look, it's Spider-Man!哦 看 是蜘蛛侠Super cool!Spiderman!实在太酷了蜘蛛侠...people really like me.大家确实都很喜欢我Stick around. It's gonna start again in a couple minutes.等一下啊 过一会儿还要重播的That's okay.行了The city is safe and sound.城市安然无恙I guess I've had something to do with that.我猜这也有我的一份功劳My Uncle Ben would be proud.我的叔叔班也一定会以我为荣的I still get to school. Top of my class.我还是会去上学 成绩也不错Now, the Hamiltonian shows us...汉密尔顿函数告诉我们的就是...that the energy levels are perturbed by the electric field.能级是由能量场所决定的From the form of this matrix, we can see?从这个矩阵的形式 我们能看到什么呢?Miss Stacy?斯塔西小姐?That only the "m equals zero quantum states" are affected.那就是说只有质量为零的量子态才会受其影响Correct. Good work, Miss Stacy.正确 说的不错 斯塔西小姐Parker? You got something to add?帕克? 你还有什么要补充的吗?No, sir.没有了 先生And I'm in love with the girl of my dreams.我与我的梦中女孩坠入了情网Hi.嗨Miss Watson left a ticket for me. Peter Parker.华森小姐给我留了一张票 彼得?帕克Excuse me. Sorry.不好意思 抱歉Thank you. Sorry.多谢 抱歉I'm so nervous.我好紧张啊That's my girlfriend.那是我的女朋友I thought she was good.Yeah.我觉得她很棒是啊Harry?哈利?Harry!哈利!I need to talk to you.我得跟你谈谈Explain things.我想要解释一下Tell it to my father. Raise him from the dead.那就跟我父亲说吧 那会让他起死回生的I'm your friend, Harry. I cared about your father.我是你的朋友 哈利 我也很在乎你的父亲M. J!亲爱的!Peter!Congrats!彼得!祝贺你!Was I good?Good? You were great.我还行吗?行吗? 你简直太棒了You were...You said great.你真的是...你说了 太棒了I love my flowers, they're beautiful. And those are from Harry.我喜欢这些花 它们真漂亮 是哈利送的Was he here tonight?Yeah, I ran into him outside.他今晚来了吗?来了 我在外面碰到他了What's with you guys anyway?It's complicated.那你们怎么样了?一言难尽啊Tell me again. Was I really good?再跟我说一遍 我是不是很棒?I was so nervous. My knees were shaking.我好紧张啊 膝盖一直在发抖Your knees were fine.The applause wasn't very loud.你的膝盖很好但是欢呼声好像不太热烈啊Yes, it was. Well, it's the acoustics.是吗 挺好的啊! 嗯 这是个声学问题!It's all about diffusion. It keeps the sound waves from grouping.与其传播的方式有关 声音会以波群的形式传播When the sound waves, they propagate, then it's like an...当声音形成波动时 会向前传播 就像是...You are such a nerd.你这个书呆子!Did you see that one?你看到了吗?You know what?你知道吗?I'd like to sing on-stage for the rest of my life...我下半辈子都想这样在舞台上演唱...with you in the first row.你要坐在第一排I'll be there.我一定会去的Tell me you love me.告诉我 你爱我I love you.我爱你I love you so much.我爱死你了I always have.一直如此!Ready?Yep.准备好了?是的You can't hide here, Flint.你不能躲在这儿 弗林特!I'm just here to see my daughter.You are an escaped convict.我只是来看我女儿的你是个逃犯The cops are looking for you. You're not getting near her.警?察?正在找你 你不能接近她You're nothing but a common thief.你只不过是个普通的小偷而已You maybe even killed a man?It wasn't like that.你可能还杀了人 对吗?不是那样的It wasn't.不是的I had good reason for what I was doing.我那么做都是事出有因的And that's the truth.事实就是这样You and the truth, sitting in prison, having three meals a day together.你还是和你的事实一起呆在监狱里 享受你们的一日三餐好了I live in the presence of great truth...我也在所谓的事实中生活着呢...and that is the truth that you left behind... ...right there in that bedroom.这个事实就在你身后的那间卧室里面呢Penny.佩妮I missed you.我很想你I miss you too, Daddy.我也想你 爸爸I promise I'll make you healthy again.我保证 我一定会让你的身体好起来的Whatever it takes, I'll get the money.不管如何 我一定会弄到钱的You get out of here. Now.你给我出去 马上!I'm not a bad person.我不是坏人Just had bad luck.只不过运气比较坏罢了Peter, what is it?彼得 这是怎么了?It's M.J.是关于玛莉的事I'm gonna ask her to marry me.Oh, Peter.我想向她求婚哦 彼得The day your Uncle Ben asked me to marry him, we were so scared.你的叔叔班向我求婚的时候 我们都怕得要命And excited.很激动And very young.当然也很年轻And I loved him so fiercely.我是如此的爱他And you said yes, right?No.然后你就答应他了?没有I wanted to say yes, but I said no.我想答应他 但是我没有I wasn't ready. Neither was he.我还没有准备好 他也没有So we took our time.因此我们继续等待Looked forward to it.一起期盼着那一天的到来Didn't want to run into something with nothing to count on but love.人们不能仅仅只靠爱情生活下去A man has to be understanding...一个男人一定要明白这一点...and put his wife before himself.然后才能向女孩子求婚Can you do that, Peter?你能做到吗 彼得?Yeah, I think I can.是的 我想我可以Then you have my blessing.那我祝你成功I hope you've considered a proper proposal.我希望你最好考虑一个计划Your uncle had it all planned.你的叔叔可是周密安排过的He took me to the beach one Sunday.他在一个周日把我带到海边Oh, he was a knockout in his bathing suit.他穿着泳衣是如此的迷人And I didn't look too bad myself.我看起来也不差啊We were very good swimmers.我们都是游泳健将And it was a beautiful day and he said:那天天气不错 然后他说:"Let's swim to the island.""咱们游到那个岛上去吧"And at the island, we found a perfect spot by an old tree...在那个岛上 我们在一棵老树边找到个不错的地方...and we lay down and looked up at the sky.躺在那里 仰望着天空And then he said, "Close your eyes, May."然后她说 "闭上眼睛 梅! "And I did. And then he said, "Open them."然后我闭上了 他又说 "可以睁开了"And I did.我又睁开了眼And he was holding this ring.看到他正拿着这只戒指Dazzling...光芒四射的......in front of me.就在我的眼前I thought it was the sun.我觉得就像太阳一样We'd be married 50 years...到八月份...come August if...我们就结婚50年了So...因此......I hope you'll make it very special for Mary Jane.我希望你能为玛莉好好准备一番Do something she'll never forget.做些让她永生难忘的事情Give her this.把这个给她Go on. Take it.快点 拿着Harry.You knew this was coming, Pete.哈利你知道是怎么回事的 彼得Listen to me. I didn't kill your father.你听我说 我没有杀死你的父亲He was trying to kill me. He killed himself.他想杀了我 但是却误杀了自己Shut up!闭嘴!I'm still here, Peter.我还在这儿呢 彼得Hate those things.烦死那些玩意儿了Harry?哈利?Harry.哈利Harry.哈利Oh, my God.哦 天啊Harry!哈利!



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